Many of us believe in a wrong definition of truth. Truth is not…

  • simply whatever works (this is pragmatism!)
  • just what we can understand (there are many truths in both the physical and spiritual realms which we don’t understand, but our capacity to understand something is not the arbiter of what is true or false.)
  • simply what the majority of people say is true (sadly, we are often swayed by majority opinion, but history teaches us that opinion by numbers doesn’t necessarily equal truth.)
  • … just what makes people feel good (whilst truth is ultimately liberating and beneficial, in the short-term, it can be very painful, and often we shun truth because of this.)
  • simply what we can prove (though we like to believe we are able to prove everything, this is clearly not true even in the physical realm and definitely isn’t true of the invisible, spiritual realm!)

Truth is ultimately defined by God because He is the ultimate Being in our universe. If we live in a human-centric universe, we will want to define truth for ourselves, but if we accept the Bible’s teaching that God is the centre of everything and we are His creation, we will be content to accept God’s definition of truth.