It’s important for us to understand that sex in itself is not sinful, but is in fact a gift of God. In its proper context, between a married man and woman, sex is something beautiful, a picture of the close relationship God longs to have with His people. But the Bible is clear that sex outside of marriage is a perversion of God’s original intention (outlined in Gen 2:21-25). Both sexual immorality (sex outside of marriage) and adultery are wrong (see Heb 13:4, 1 Cor 7:1-3), and Jesus made it clear that sexual immorality includes our thought lives (Matt 5:28).The matter of sexual purity obviously means that we must safeguard ourselves and our children against pornography, asking for God’s help in this battle for the mind and soul.

There is hope and forgiveness for all who have sinned in this way; no sin is outside the forgiveness of God. We do need to recognise the problem of pornography and seek to guard against it. Children and young people should not be left alone with unlimited access to the Internet; parents need to educate children about sex and this will include teaching about the dangers of pornography (however embarrassing this may be!) as well as setting boundaries (e.g. limiting Internet usage, using appropriate filters and so on.)  Each Christian needs to seek to live holy lives before God; there has to be accountability and help given to those who struggle with this particular sin. Websites which offer further advice and help are:

The good news, however, is that the light of Jesus Christ shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. (Jn 1:5) He provides the way to be set free from all addictions and to be liberated from all bondage. We long for God to build His kingdom here, in us, setting us free from all chains and allowing His light to shine on us and through us so that all may know His glory and grace.