P.P.I. – pivotal point incidents

P.P.I. usually stands for ‘personal protection insurance’, the mis-selling of which has been of great interest and controversy over recent years in the U.K. Mark’s sermon on P.P.I. today had nothing to do with insurance, however, but instead looked...

Between God Speaking And Doing

Tonight’s service looking at ‘The Miraculous & The Mundane’ focussed on the life of Abraham, whose miracle son, Isaac, reminds us that God is a God of the impossible! Abraham’s story is told in Genesis 12-25 and his importance to God’s people is highlighted in the...

What Is Your Name?

Tonight we looked at the question God asked Jacob (‘What is your name?’) in probably the most famous wrestling match in the Bible. (Gen 32:22-32) This was a ‘pivotal point incident’ (as Mark Burgin once described it) in Jacob’s life, an...

Satisfaction in God

I believe many Christians are not satisfied people. They have not reached that place where they understand that spiritual satisfaction can only be found in God. They are still seeking satisfaction from good jobs, relationships, holidays, houses and other material...


Polarity is defined as having to do with the poles (e.g. the North Pole and South Pole), is often connected with the direction of a magnetic or electric field and has a derived meaning from these: ‘the state of having two opposite or contradictory tendencies,...